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7 yr old Jory

Boy, born July 2006
Spina Bifida (postoperative meningocele), postoperative right club foot, postoperative hernia (and one leg shorter than the other)

Jory was found abandoned beside the road at the age of 3 months. He has had corrective surgery to treat tethered spinal cord syndrome, meningocele and congenital cleft spine as well as right cross/club foot. He has normal intelligence. He likes to listen to music and sing. He likes playing with trucks, cars, and balls. His right leg is slightly shorter, but does not seem to impact him. He can walk, run, jump, and go up and down stairs well. He is currently in kindergarten and is doing well. He is patiently waiting for his family to find him.

Please go to http://reecesrainbow.org/new-family/newfamily and read up on how to adopt from this country and what the requirements are. 

7 yr old Artie

Boy, born October 2006
Mental development delay

Artie was found abandoned at the hospital when he was almost 10 months old. He is listed as having a mental developmental delay, but his report also states that he is a lovely and smart child. Artie was 4 ½ at the last report and could count to 10, imitate drawing circles and lines and recite and sing poems and nursery rhymes. His language is noted to be delayed, but he is an outgoing little boy who gets along with other children and loves to be cuddled.
He loves all activity involving water and thus, loves the summertime. How wonderful it would be for Artie to have a water loving family who could take him swimming next summer!
As far as I'm concerned his only "special need" is his age and since we have adopted children older than he is, I can tell you that they are a JOY to have in the family. 

Please go to http://reecesrainbow.org/new-family/newfamily and read up on how to adopt from this country and what the requirements are. 

2 yr old Reno

Boy, born April 2011
Congenital heart disease: perimembranous ventricular septum defect, congenital atrial septum defect, minor pulmonary valve stenosis
crossed eyes, ptosis (droopy eyelid), both sides inguinal testis, delay of psychological and speech development.
This sweet boy is young enough that with a family he could make leaps and bounds so quickly! 

Please go to http://reecesrainbow.org/new-family/newfamily and read up on how to adopt from this country and what the requirements are. 

6 yr old Karis

Girl, born June 2007
Symptomatic epilepsy, autism, development delay, scoliosis, dermatitis, mental delays

She loved, loved loved the camera. Could not get enough of it but she would prefer to hold it herself. She was able to follow directions and was playing independently with toys.

Please go to http://reecesrainbow.org/new-family/newfamily and read up on how to adopt from this country and what the requirements are. 

6 year old Kammy

DOB: 2007
Diagnosis: Alopecia; Developmental delays with behavior concerns
Kammy walks, runs, feeds herself, puts her own shoes on and washes her hands independently. She holds a pen and colors inside the lines when coloring. She plays appropriately with toys. Her speech has recently improved. She can say her name and several phrases and her level of understanding as also improved. She quickly memorizes songs. She constantly seeks out adults and engages them in order to get them to play with her. Her pretend play skills are developed and she will use toys to act out things she’s seen in the past. Her report indicates that she has been diagnosed with behavior problems and takes medication for behavior.  However, there is no mention of any negative behaviors or behavioral concerns in her developmental report.

Please go to http://reecesrainbow.org/new-family/newfamily and read up on how to adopt from this country and what the requirements are. 

6 year old Faith

Girl, born June 2007
Delayed mental development, congenital mild cleft upper palate
Faith is 5 years old, she goes to kindergarten like other kids. She knows 1-5 numerals so far, can recite 3-4 songs. She can speak daily use words. Seeing other kids break the rules, she would put up her hands and report to teachers. She can’t speak clearly, but could be understood. She can have meals, dress, zip, button and wash face and feet by herself. She loves to be beautiful, likes clothes with colorful background instead of just one color. She likes to play in the park, she cheers, jumps like a happy bird when she reaches the park. She doesn’t like to stay home and watch TV, when she is upset, she pouts her lips and ignore others; when her requirements are satisfied, she smiles immediately. In the kindergarten, she performs good and cooperate with the teachers actively.
Faith is optimistic, shows affection initially.

5 year old Lydia Rose

Girl, born August 2007
Cerebral Palsy
Lydia Rose is a shy girl; she has a ready smile and is fond of singing. She is a very happy, obedient and good intelligent little child. At the age of 2 years and 6 months, the scissor step disappears and she can basically finish the actions such as putting off the shoes and socks. She can conduct the simple communication. At the age of 3 years, she can have meals with bowl and spoon. She can wash hands and face with help of the caretaker. Now little Lydia Rose can stand for several minutes alone. She can hold objects to walk. She has the prominent hand movements. She move flexibly and can hold things. Her intelligent development is well. She can conduct the daily communication. Lydia can take off clothes and go to the toilet without help.