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4 yr old Zach

Boy, born July 2008
Zach is an adorable 4 year old boy diagnosed with mild cerebral palsy. His limb, intelligence, and language development is delayed compared to peers.
At age 1, he could sit alone, crawl, and stand with hands holding onto rails. At age 2, he began learning to walk, and could take a few steps. He could not speak, but he could understand simple instructions such as “come here” and could wave goodbye. At age 3, he learned to walk alone and could grab his favorite toy. Now, he can run, jump, go up and down stairs without help, flip pages of books, and can eat with a spoon and chopsticks. He understands simple words and instructions, recognizes articles of daily use, and can speak some simple words but not clearly. He is an active, happy little boy that shares toys and food with others. According to his teacher, he is a very polite, helpful, smart and obedient child. His fine motor develops well and Zach can now pick a pill up with his thumb and index finger, can turn book pages one by one, and can hold a pen with full hand and scribble. His self-care ability meets his age too. He can have a meal with spoon or chopsticks and is able to pick up peanuts too.

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