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12 yr old George

This was written by an advocating friend of mine.

"George is 12 years old and has spent the last number of years in an orphanage in China. I met George at Bring Me Hope summer camps last year, and then spent two weeks at his orphanage this summer. After spending quite a bit of time with him, I know with all my heart that George NEEDS a family. Many people have fallen in love with this kid and are praying for his family to find him before it's too late. George has less than TWO YEARS before he ages out...

His special need is 'Congenital heart disease, post surgery'. George is intellectually normal which is very evident in his behaviour, attitudes and capabilities. He is really smart and has learned lots of poetry and songs, which he will perform - if you are lucky!

Like a typical 12 year old boy, George tries to act cool most of the time!! However, when he thinks no one is looking, you will see the softer side to his personality! George is very caring and loves to help people. He would especially look after one of the younger deaf boys! While I was with George at his orphanage for two weeks, the younger deaf boy was adopted. I got to see George dealing with this, and while he did not reveal much, I did notice him cherishing their last few days together. One day we were playing circle games, the two boys sat together and George put his arm around the younger boy. I ask George 'do you love him?'. A beaming smile erupted across his face and he nodded energetically!

George loves when volunteers come to his orphanage! He loves having more people to play with, to take them on trips, to run activities, and to have more fun! He also loves borrowing iPhones and iPads to play games any 12 year old plays! He is particularly good at Temple Run and Angry Birds!!

In China, on an orphans 14th birthday they can no longer be adopted. This means that George has less than two years to be brought home. In actual fact he has much less time than that, as the process takes months. There is a clock ticking down his days. George is funny, smart and has a cute smile. He needs someone to call Mom and Dad."
Please watch and share this video of George http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBJU_n39JXc&feature=channel&list=UL
Contact me at Advocatingmomma@aol.com for more information on this sweet boy.

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