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4 yr old Trent

Boy, born 2008

Trent has a moderate mental delay

He improved motor activity, walks independently and he can grab and hold objects. Trent has learned to eat with a spoon independently. He is attached to the people from the permanent team in the orphanage and reacts positively towards adults. Pronounces vowels – predominantly “a” and “e’’; he is interested in his surroundings when he is taken outside. He feels happy when he goes for a walk with an adult. The experts from the orphanage hope that the child will continue to be influenced positively by the sessions with a speech therapist, a psychologist and a pedagogue, will continue to progress and acquire new skills.

Because we only have this child’s file for a short time, he will not be able to receive donations to his Reese's Rainbow account until a family is found for him.

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